Month: January 2008

  • Scarlett Eve Beale

    ..was born this morning at 4:59 am weighing in at 6lb 13oz. Mother and baby doing well ❤️

  • Debugging with PhpED and DBG

    As a long-term PhpED user, I’ve always been well aware that I was not making the most of some of the more powerful features of my IDE, particularly the debugging capabilities. Well this week I finally got debugging set-up properly and as per most of my other blog posts I’m listing what I did here…

  • Multiple project Trac set-up

    I’ve already installed Trac and I now want to be able to set-up multiple projects with the minimum of fuss. My requirements are: The most important job is to get Apache set-up properly. I’m using mod_python so:apt-get install libapache2-mod-python I then set-up a VirtualHost for http://my.trac.url, thus: Note the LocationMatch. From the docs: This will…

  • Vim auto indenting

    I used to get annoyed when pasting text into a Vim window as each line would indent one more tab than the last line. To fix it I used to add set noautoindent in /etc/vimrc, however this unsurprisingly turns off auto indenting, which is a useful feature for normal typing. Today I came up with…

  • Subversion over ssh

    My background task over the Christmas holidays was to ensure that I could give read/write access to a subversion repository situated on a machine within our corporate network so that staff or external contractors can access it via the interweb but without me needing to open up additional ports on our firewall. The server running…

  • Installing Trac on Debian etch

    The following is a no-frills install guide for getting Trac up and running on a Debian ‘etch’ Linux system. The assumption is that you’ve already got mysql and subversion working and have created a subversion repository (tip: apt-get install mysql-server subversion). The first thing that we need to do is install Python, easy_install and the…