# bealers.com - humans.txt This website was built by and belongs to Darren Beale, @bealers most places. It should resolve to bealers.com, my home on the internet since 1998. I built this site using Statamic. The starter kit is mine, called **tl;dr**: https://github.com/bealers/tldr URL: https://bealers.com Description: I'm a developer and server administrator based in Powys, Wales, near the Shropshire border. This space has always been where I document what catches my interest and the technical challenges I encounter. Below you'll find some of my previous posts, you can also check out what I'm working on now. ## Credit and Thanks ### Gud tech - PHP: https://www.php.net/ - Laravel: https://laravel.com/ - Statamic: https://statamic.com ### Dev tools - Cursor: https://www.cursor.com - VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com - Git: https://github.com/git/git - Github: https://github.com/ ### Solid Platform - Linux: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/ - Gnome: https://www.gnome.org/ ### Terminal lushness - Allacrity: https://allacrity.com/ - Zellij: https://zellij.dev/ ## My brain extenders - Obsidian: https://obsidian.md/ - Claude: https://www.anthropic.com/