Month: May 2015

  • Managing the inputs

    I’ve not talked about this subject previously as I didn’t want be seen to be a health bore and it felt quite self-indulgent. But inspired by some recent blog posts I’ve read, I thought I’d briefly share my own experiences. Last year a perfect storm of poor lifestyle choices caught up with me. I’m talking about a crap diet, no exercise,…

  • Be Sure To Enjoy The Ride

    You know that stock job interview question where you’re asked to specify a weakness and you flip it to become a strength? Well, if you’re like me then the next time you have a job interview (which for me is admittedly quite unlikely) you can tell them that you’re a long-term planner and you’re always specifying a thing, setting goals and then working towards…

  • Canoeing from Loch Morar to Loch Arkaig

    I recently came back from my second canoeing expedition in the highlands of Scotland. The first trip was fantastic but felt too short so we vowed to come back again but do it for longer. Fast forward a few years and with a deep yearning to reconnect with the wilderness we (me & Wes) set off from Shropshire on the Thursday morning with…