Now we’ve lived through a pretty cold winter I’ve a much better idea of the amount of wood that we need to keep us warm. Hot water is dealt with separately by a woodchip boiler that also drives radiators (which we don’t use). This winter we got though about 7 trailers of wood including the around 1 trailer left.
From now on I want 2 years supply – minimum – so it can season really well but we’ve not enough stacking space for it all under cover. Hence trying this freestanding stack.
It is about 3 trailers full of wood (not sure what that comes to in weight) arranged in a circle with the middle filled in with more wood. The idea is to have all the wood with the bark facing up so the water will run off. The ‘roof’ might need a bit of tidying up bit it’s still quite fresh wood so I’m not too bothered at the moment.
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