Development (52 posts)

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File uploads made easy.

Posted on April 29, 2000

Every time I've written some code to upload a file, either to send it off as an email attachment or as an image for some dynamic content piece, I've always meant to write a few functions so I don't



Posted on October 16, 2004

I was playing around with a virgin DSVR (vs300) account for a few hours during the week, just getting php and MySQL ready for use. Vi was really annoying, giving me the dreaded A B C D routine when



Posted on October 23, 2004 The mysqli extension allows you to access the functionality provided by MySQL 4.1 and above. More information about the MySQL Database server can be found at


Posted on October 28, 2004

Where N is a number > 5 now runs WordPress, and, as of this post, is out of beta, i.e. I have copied over the few posts I made. I initially tried, then tried

PHP XML-RPC timeout

Posted on April 21, 2005

If you're using PHP to do XML-RPC and are getting odd issues with a timeout of around 60 seconds then you may want to look at the PHP.ini setting: default_socket_timeout this is by default set to 60


PHP backwards compatibility

Posted on August 18, 2005

Today I was writing some code - which is actually suprisingly rare these days - and I was getting an error about a particular function not existing in PHP5, array_diff_key() Luckily some body already


Getting a PHP CLI on Windows

Posted on September 10, 2005

I want to do some scripting to parse the contents of the iTunes XML library and ultimitely transfer the contents to a remote server. For my desktop I use Windows XP because It Just Works most of the


Creating a Subversion repository

Posted on November 21, 2005

This item assumes that you already have svn installed and this is the first time you've created a repository for this server (else leave out certain bits) All items here worked for me on my local


Building a PHP Development server from scratch

Posted on March 25, 2006

This post is very out of date. See here for a newer version written in 2013. Following these instructions will get you a Debian based PHP/MySQL development server set-up with the ability to have

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