PKM and Productivity (11 posts)

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Manage Your Week with Timeboxing

Posted on June 5, 2015

My vanilla template. [Download XLSX] As we all know there is only so much time in one day. We can use various productivity methodologies to define & track what we need to get done in any given

Take Control of Your Time by Putting a Value on It

Posted on October 18, 2015

How much do you value your time? Let's guess: you value it a lot, right? OK, but can you put a number on it? A monetary value? We’re not talking about your daily rate if you’re doing some consulting.

My Morning Routine

Posted on April 3, 2016

A day last month 2024 edit: my morning routine looks nothing like this any more. I do still try to meditate and journal every day, though my workflow is very minimal and relaxed these days. There are

Essential Software

Posted on April 9, 2016

The problem with setting yourself a 30 day writing challenge is that you have to actually write something every day. Go figure. The first few days are easy enough but after that the runway starts


The Personal Statement

Posted on April 16, 2016

What is your memory like? Do you have total recall? Or are you more like Dory from Finding Nemo? Like most people you're going to be somewhere in the middle. You remember a lot, but some things

My Evening Routine

Posted on April 18, 2016

I have a morning routine that I've worked on these past 18 months. It can look a bit extreme, but it's just an hour and a half that I use to prepare myself for the day ahead. I now rely on that time

Music For Concentration When Working

Posted on April 26, 2016

One of the unexpected benefits of this 30 day challenge has been getting to read other people's work. Whether that has been to to proof-read, give ideas on direction or simply to provide moral

OneNote Workflow Examples

Posted on July 21, 2016

To give you some ideas of how you might use OneNote I provide a detailed run-through of my personal workflows. This system has evolved over the past 10 years of me using OneNote nearly every

Life Planning & Journaling with OneNote

Posted on November 28, 2016

I recently spoke at the Learn OneNote conference 2016. It was a virtual conference, with all the talks being recorded in advance of the day and then released over the space of a few days to match the

The Importance of Reminders in my Trusted System

Posted on July 18, 2019

A snippet from my OneNote based Trusted System I have a sieve for a brain. I can forget things easily. Really easily. I blame this on my A.D.D, my general anxiety and some weapons grade hedonism in

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