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Manage Your Week with Timeboxing

Posted on June 5, 2015

My vanilla template. [Download XLSX] As we all know there is only so much time in one day. We can use various productivity methodologies to define & track what we need to get done in any given

Putting Some Fire in Your Belly

Posted on June 19, 2015

When I got back from my expedition to Scotland in April I was floating around for a few weeks before my feet properly touched the ground. I was so chill, ever so mellow, nothing could phase me or sour

Changing Your Internal Narrative

Posted on March 28, 2016

It is widely recognised that as humans we all have a sort of split personality. In our brain at its core, the limbic system, we have our lesser evolved chimp. This deals with emotions or feelings and

My Morning Routine

Posted on April 3, 2016

A day last month 2024 edit: my morning routine looks nothing like this any more. I do still try to meditate and journal every day, though my workflow is very minimal and relaxed these days. There are

What Will People Think?

Posted on April 11, 2016

I got lots of interest and feedback from my morning routine post. Well, I say lots. I mean some. But, it was lots compared to the tumble-weeds that normally occur when publishing here. So, huge thanks

At Least It's Not A Blue On Blue

Posted on April 19, 2016

Twitter told me yesterday that someone at 123-reg deleted a part of the internet. My immediate thought was: "Owch, that's got to hurt" And then: "I'm glad I'm not that boss right

Comparisons Can Be Harmful

Posted on April 20, 2016

Comparisons can be harmful, whether comparing yourself to others or judging other people. That person has better stuff than me. That person has it easy. Their business is doing better than mine. They

Removing Redundancy When Writing

Posted on April 21, 2016

When I started this challenge I was focused on volume. I just needed to write some stuff and publish it. Writing each day has definitely helped me to get faster and also to have more and more

The Importance of Reminders in my Trusted System

Posted on July 18, 2019

A snippet from my OneNote based Trusted System I have a sieve for a brain. I can forget things easily. Really easily. I blame this on my A.D.D, my general anxiety and some weapons grade hedonism in

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