File uploads made easy.
Posted on April 29, 2000
Every time I've written some code to upload a file, either to send it off as an email attachment or as an image for some dynamic content piece, I've always meant to write a few functions so I don't
Posted on April 29, 2000
Every time I've written some code to upload a file, either to send it off as an email attachment or as an image for some dynamic content piece, I've always meant to write a few functions so I don't
Posted on March 27, 2006
A great one page cheat sheet for PCRE's can be found over on the PHP Guru website.
Posted on March 30, 2006
I've been writing code in my spare time again and have been wanting to blog little snippets but Wordpress munges any code that I add into the post body. I googled for wordpress plugins and most didn't
Posted on March 31, 2006
I've been playing with the Zend Framework and have started a little How-To mostly for my own benefit.
Posted on April 2, 2006
Grab the code Option 1 - Subversion cd ~bealers/www svn co cmsmadesimple This checks out the entire project including a lot of modules into a
Posted on April 7, 2006
If you've installed Wordpress in the past then you will have seen the Kubrick theme. A lot of people who use WP end up keeping the original theme as it looks good, for example Cathie has done just
Posted on April 7, 2006
I've added a second part to my of my Using the Zend Framework over in my How-To section. Related: Part 1
Posted on April 8, 2006
Edit: Sorry I never got around to finishing this, there's only 2 parts of 3. For the past few years I've not really learnt anything new PHP dev-wise, mainly because I've been getting on with the task
Posted on April 8, 2006
I'm a developer, I don't mind - in fact, no, I like - coding but when it comes to doing stuff on my own site I'm rather hesitant and I prefer things that Just Work out of the box. I installed a new
Posted on May 21, 2006
After getting over 200 comment spams in 2 days I decided to implement an automatic spam blacklist system as manual parsing wasn't cutting it any more. Akismet seems good: We can’t stand spam. Who