Smallholding and Woodland (23 posts)

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Maxed out

Posted on July 20, 2011

We've moved (again) and I was very glad to have the big Ifor Williams to shift the garden/workshop and firewood. I was pushing it a bit with this load, though.

Buying Land with a Pension

Posted on September 3, 2011

Aerial view of our land, woods to the left Before I begin let's get the disclaimer out of the way: I'm not a financial advisor nor am I 'regulated by the Financial Services Authority' and your risk

Clearing a path

Posted on September 21, 2011

Our woodland is in need of some TLC, as things currently stand we can't get to all parts of it because it is so overgrown. We've no management plan yet so we want to minimise any changes but we

Sad Tree, Happy Tree

Posted on September 22, 2011

Our new-to-us woodland has a large number of standing dead trees or ones with bits dangerously hanging off. Whilst I need to wait until autumn proper to kick off the program of works that is rapidly

Alaskan Chainsaw Mill

Posted on November 21, 2011

After a lengthy period of consideration I finally went ahead and invested in an Alaskan chainsaw mill to use to add value (or in Permaculture parlance, obtain the maximum yield) to the small amount of

Woodland Shelter finished

Posted on January 1, 2012

We got the woodland shelter finished over the christmas break and tidied up the clearing a bit. It's now ready for us adding some simple storage space (so we can store teabags etc there) and the final

A larch seesaw

Posted on January 4, 2012

Here's a quick pictorial how-to for making a rudimentary seesaw that we then put into our woodland to help keep the kids entertained. I started with two bits of larch taken from the woodpile, this

Woodland ownership, 1 year on

Posted on April 3, 2012

Aerial view of our land (the middle bit), woods to the left It has been just over a year since we purchased with our pension - if you're interested more details below - around 26 acres of marginal

Slightly overgrown woods

Posted on September 9, 2012

There's a fire pit in there somewhere We've been a tad busy at the Beale household recently. Mainly with the housebuild/planning permission episode (another story), deciding to buy a house instead,

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