MySQL Workbench

I just downloaded MySQL workbench 1.06 beta. I stumbled across it after finding this message on the DBDesigner forum page:

Dear DBDesigner4 users,

Due to several attacks against the DBDesigner4 forum it has now been closed down.
We simply cannot understand the sick motivation of people to attack Open Source projects.
So please understand that we will not provide any support from now on.

We will continue to host the DBD4 download till the release of the MySQL Workbench,
its successor application that will be an official MySQL product. Then this project will rest in peace.

The immediate impression is that it's DB Designer with a MySQL badge on it, but I guess that’s a good thing, as DB Designer was excellent (albeit a bit buggy). A nice touch is the ‘overview’ button (or press shift), which allows one to zoom out and see the entire schema.

I’ve got a new database to design, so I’ll use this tool and possibly post my thoughts later.

It’s got a pretty serious bug (that has been reported) where deleting a relationship just doesn’t work.

DB Designer
MySQL Workbench forum