Tis the time for lists

It’s New Year Day 2007, and I’m sure I’m not the only person getting a few goals noted down for the coming year.

As a bit of a break from forward-thinking, here’s a quick review of 2006.

Biggest happening

The combined selling of Exponetic (my first web dev company), moving from London after eight years, downshifting and setting up Siftware. Everything is going very well, too well, if truth be known. I’m getting fed up with 15-hour days, seven days a week, and this year’s focus will be profit rather than volume.

Book of the year

The Baroque Cycle trilogy by Neal Stephenson, specifically:

Music of the year

Anything by Bauhaus. After hearing some of their stuff on 6 Music I got hold of a few albums and was immediately hooked. I was lucky to see them live at The Forum in London, too.


Since getting rid of Sky+, I don’t ever watch TV, and I’ve never been one for the cinema. I have however watched a few shows on my computer, 24 series 5 was excellent, Battlestar Galactica is easily the best Sci-Fi show ever.

New years resolutions

  • Buy a camper van.
  • Make my work time more profitable.
  • Continue to do loads of interesting Javascript.