Ever since I visited Ben Law and spent a week learning in some detail how he built his amazing house from trees in his woodland I have dreamt of doing something similar.
So much so that when it became available we scraped up the money and bought a 4 acre plantation of slow-grown, straight and tall Japanese Larch that was perfect as a building material.
A year later we found a suitable building plot and sank all of our savings into purchasing it with a view of building our house.
Eventually we managed to get residential planning permission to build a 4 bedroom low energy round wood house on that plot. Our architects were a great help and Shropshire planning department as well as our little town’s planning committee proved to be be very enlightened, which was a pleasant surprise as we were excepting a lot of resistance.
But unfortunately, for reasons best left unpublished, that project is not going to happen and we’ve ended up buying a nice house in the same town on a plot big enough to allow us to start a decent-sized productive garden.
To help pay for that house we’re now having to sell off what we can and our little plantation needs to go.
So, there you have it, we have a woodland for sale (website now deleted), let us know if you have a sack of cash that you no longer require. We’ll happily swap.
If you don’t have the aforementioned sack of cash you could always buy it with your pension 🙂
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