Month: July 2014

  • WordPress Naked, approaching 16,000 downloads

    One evening in 2007 I got frustrated by once again having to strip out all of the styling from one of the then default WordPress themes (remember Kubrick?) prior to building a client’s site, so I created a simple boiler-plate theme called Worpdress Naked and uploaded it to this blog. Amazingly since then approaching 16,000 people appear to…

  • Anonymise personal data in a WordPress database

    Are you about to get a freelancer to work on your existing WordPress site for you or one of your clients? Here’s a simple SQL script you can run against your dev database to randomise all the user information EXCEPT a test login before you send it over to them. It will also set that test…

  • Tip: keep Vagrant guest additions up to date

    I found a handy plugin this weekend for keeping my PHP development Vagrant VM VirtualBox guest additions in sync: vagrant-vbguest Every time you do a vagrant up it’ll do a check, which might occasionally get annoying if you’re in a hurry, so there’s a config option to disable it on a per-vm basis:

  • Halt all Vagrant/VirtualBox VMs one-liner

    If you’re using Vagrant to control your dev VMs on a headless server it’s easy to lose track of the number of running machines. Here’s a one-liner to gracefully shut-down all of them to free up some resources.