Month: June 2015

  • Setting Your Goals in Context

    I’ve been thinking a lot about goals this week. Being the middle of the year it’s a great time to be reviewing the few I did set  (I was quite easy on myself for the first half of this year) and looking forward to what I want to achieve in the second half of the…

  • Putting Some Fire in Your Belly

    When I got back from my expedition to Scotland in April I was floating around for a few weeks before my feet properly touched the ground. I was so chill, ever so mellow, nothing could phase me or sour my mood of contentment and connectedness with myself and my world. It’s a phrase that possibly does get…

  • Things I would go back and tell the younger me

    Some people dread reaching middle age. I know I used to, but now I’m there or thereabouts, I’m loving it. I love that I sort of know who I am and how I tick. I love that I know that where I am is mostly where I want to be.  Also, most importantly, I love how…

  • Manage Your Week with Timeboxing

    As we all know there is only so much time in one day. We can use various productivity methodologies to define & track what we need to get done in any given day but the fact remains there is a finite time available to get all that stuff done. One ‘trick’ we can use to cram more…