On your marks...
Posted on August 25, 2017
Here's my sticker chart, haven't I been a good boy. I've been meaning to start documenting my running & health journey more regularly but the usual trifecta of imposter syndrome, motivation and
Posted on August 25, 2017
Here's my sticker chart, haven't I been a good boy. I've been meaning to start documenting my running & health journey more regularly but the usual trifecta of imposter syndrome, motivation and
Posted on September 5, 2017
Flappy bottles, empty & full side by side Hello and welcome to autumn. As I said last week, to gain some writing momentum I'm going to simply share what I've learnt the previous week as well as
Posted on January 30, 2018
Bling / © How Hard Can It Be Events Ltd A bunch of geeks who work in digital and who also like to run will be entering the May the 4th be with you trail race on, erm, May 4th 2018. It will be held on
Posted on February 9, 2018
As threatened in my end of year review I'm giving the weekly notes format a trial. Admittedly the term 'week notes' is not overly accurate given it's early Feb as I write this but "Notable stuff