A bunch of geeks who work in digital and who also like to run will be entering the May the 4th be with you trail race on, erm, May 4th 2018. It will be held on the stunning Shropshire Hills, kicking off from Carding Mill Valley.
The night before I’ll be curating a Shropgeek evening themed loosely around endurance sports, technology and the great outdoors. We have three superb talks lined up for you by confirmed speakers Rachel Andrew, Simon Collison and Andy Keetch.
Details of the Thursday evening meetup are still being finalised but I’m keen to get people who want to run with us on the Friday to go and buy their tickets. I’ve spoken with the organisers of the event (which sold out last year) and ticket sales are in-line with last years event. So please don’t delay and book now.
If you want to receive updates then keep an eye on the Shropgeek site and social channels. I’ll also tweet occasional updates.
Hopefully see you there 🙂
What’s this all about?
Since I started running I’ve kept discovering more and more of my peers who are keen runners/cyclists/whatever too. I thought it would be nice to get a bunch of us together and geek out about something other than just technology.
Also, if this inspires a few more of our peers to get away from their desks and get outdoors to join in: even better.
Is this a cynical ploy to sell race tickets?
Nope. I’m paying full price for my own ticket, just like you. I am in no way connected with the organisers (except having ran at some of their events in the past).
It states half or full marathon, which should I book?
Up to you. Each loop is a hilly, off-road half marathon; I suspect half is what most people will choose.
13.1 miles is long and it’s hilly, I’m concerned I might not be fit enough.
You’ll be fine. How hard can it be? 🙂
Seriously, treat it like a hike. Walk any ascents and run when you can. The downhills are fun and not too technical, but again there is no shame in walking, especially if you are not used to running downhill.
You also have plenty of time to train a bit. Practice on some hills (up and down) as well as off tarmac and I’m sure you’ll surprise yourself.
Sure, but I can barely run a 5K without collapsing…
If you struggle with a Parkrun then maybe this event isn’t for you.
However, if you are relatively fit and can comfortably run (regardless of pace) for around an hour and you already run a couple of times per week then you have three months to build up. Trust me, you will surprise yourself.
As I say, treat it like a hike, ignore the times and you’ll have a great time.
Ultimately you do need to do your own research and of course check with your doctor or other medical professionals if you have any concerns.
Is this going to be a macho, testosterone filled competitive race?
It’s put on by an company that organises ultra races and will be much more relaxed than your standard road race. The crew are super-friendly and very supportive. Ditto the people taking part will be friendly and of all ages and genders.
What bling do I get?
An amazing medal. That’s it. No goody bag or T-Shirt, though some clothing can be purchased separately.
What facilities are there?
Whilst this is a no-frills endurance event there will be a van selling food and drinks. It is held on National Trust lands so there is also a well stocked cafe and clean public loos nearby.
What kit do I need?
It’s an off-road trail race, so normal trail shoes and basic safety kit. The ground is quite hard up there so unless it has been raining for a solid month you can probably leave the Mudclaws at home.
There are no aid stations so you’ll also need to carry water and some food as well as basic fell running kit (coat, whistle, map, food, water, phone, etc).
Don’t be put off by this. It’s not being held in winter so the requirements are minimal. You should be able to fit the stuff in a bum bag, or even better if your budget allows, a race vest.
For specific details please contact the organisers.
How long will it take to complete?
If you have ran a half marathon before on roads, but never on trails then I suggest you add 1 hour to your normal time. If you’re more experienced off road then add 30 mins as a rough guide.
I don’t live locally, how do I get to the race start?
Church Stretton has a train station within walking distance and is about 20 mins drive from central Shrewsbury. If you are booked on the race and coming from further afield, let me know and I’ll put a list of people needing transport together. We’ll either car share or book a minibus to get you there.
Do I need to be a geek to enter?
Nope. The more the merrier.
I still have questions, who can I contact?
Me via bealers@siftware.com You can also call my office during working hours on 0845 680 9676 or nudge me on Twitter.
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