PHP (56 posts)

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The Zend Framework - part 1

Posted in Development, php on March 31, 2006

I've been playing with the Zend Framework and have started a little How-To mostly for my own benefit.

Installing CMS Made Simple

Posted in Development, php on April 2, 2006

Grab the code Option 1 - Subversion cd ~bealers/www svn co cmsmadesimple This checks out the entire project including a lot of modules into a

Vim: Enough tabs already

Posted in Development on April 2, 2006

Scenario: You are connected to a Linux webserver via a Windows terminal client such as PuTTy. You copy some text to paste into a Vim document open on the remote machine and you get tab hell: Here's an

Installing a new WordPress theme, K2

Posted in Development, php on April 7, 2006

If you've installed Wordpress in the past then you will have seen the Kubrick theme. A lot of people who use WP end up keeping the original theme as it looks good, for example Cathie has done just

The Zend Framework - part 2

Posted in Development, php on April 7, 2006

I've added a second part to my of my Using the Zend Framework over in my How-To section. Related: Part 1

Using the Zend Framework - Part 1

Posted in Development, php on April 8, 2006

Edit: Sorry I never got around to finishing this, there's only 2 parts of 3. For the past few years I've not really learnt anything new PHP dev-wise, mainly because I've been getting on with the task

WordPress Widgets

Posted in Development, php on April 8, 2006

I'm a developer, I don't mind - in fact, no, I like - coding but when it comes to doing stuff on my own site I'm rather hesitant and I prefer things that Just Work out of the box. I installed a new

Enabling spell checking within FCKeditor

Posted in Development on April 23, 2006

CMS Made Simple uses the great GPL WYSIWYG editor FCKeditor and I noticed this morning that it has a spell checking facility. To get it to work, I: Installed aspell on my dev server: apt-get install

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