Month: October 2005
Piano music from the 2nd episode of 2nd series of Battlestar Galactica
I’m hooked on the Battlestar Galactica remake. To date, I’ve seen everything up to the 2nd Episode of the 2nd series. This episode is called the Valley of Darkness, not to be confused with the Valley of the Shadows by Origin Unknown, which is slightly different. In this episode, Starbuck drops by her apartment in…
Akai M-8 Reel to Reel Tape Recorder
I write this listening to my Akai M-8 valve powered reel to reel tape recorder. It’s playing a random tape that I bought on eBay for a fiver entitled ‘Genesis: And Then There Were Three’. Luckily for me that was obviously recorded over and it contains Jean Michel Jarre’s Concerts in China which I’ve not…
Firefox on my PDA
I’ve a Dell Axim x30i and occaisionlly I use it to look at things on the int3rweb. Windows 2003 Mobile Edition comes with IE (suprise suprise) but I’d rather use something else. Minimo, sounds like the perfect replacement, though it’s still heavily in development (I guess) and on my first install seemed to be slow…
Windows 2003 Mobile edition and Orange GPRS via Bluetooth
I have a Dell Axim x30 and a Motorola v3 and I want to connect to the int3rweb using the PDA via the phone sometimes. I was missing the modem string, so it didn’t work. Anway, mostly for my own future reference, here’s a quick list when I need to do it again (e.g. on…
Self employed for 3 years
Exponetic was three years old this week. Originally Acksys Ltd, it was set up after Vardus – the company that I worked at for 3 years as a developer and Sysadmin – went bust. I managed to persuade around 20 clients to come with me and serviced them independently from the spare bedroom. It was…