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On your marks...

Posted in Running on August 25, 2017

Here's my sticker chart, haven't I been a good boy. I've been meaning to start documenting my running & health journey more regularly but the usual trifecta of imposter syndrome, motivation and

OneNote & emoji 🏃💨

Posted in OneNote on January 14, 2017

OneNote 2016 with emoji in page and section titles It turns out that OneNote supports emoji in page & section titles (notebook names too). I had no idea, though I shouldn't be surprised really;

A Few of my Favourite Things 2016

Posted in Articles, Life Updates on December 31, 2016

Personal review posts of the outgoing year are becoming more popular and I enjoy reading them, particularly those produced by my peers. However, when I wrote mine earlier this week I purposely left

2016 in Review

Posted in Articles, Life Updates on December 29, 2016

2015 ended with me having a panic attack in a restaurant car-park, somewhere in South Bristol. It's not as bad as it sounds and in hindsight I put it down to that end-of-year,

OneNote Sync To OneDrive Explained

Posted in OneNote on November 15, 2016

To get the most power out of OneNote you want to be able to synchronise the contents of your notebooks between devices and possibly share them with other people. Cloud based save, sync or sharing is

Evernote Page Tagging in OneNote

Posted in OneNote on November 3, 2016

OneNote prioritising keywords in a search If you're coming over to OneNote from Evernote you might immediately miss the ability to tag your pages as you're used to. Evernote's page level tagging is a

OneNote Synchronisation Strategy

Posted in OneNote on October 15, 2016

Setting up OneNote to send screenshots and print-outs to a local (non-cloud) notebook OneNote does some clever things under the hood to provide you with pain-free multi-user synchronisation across

Getting Out of a Rut

Posted in Articles on October 12, 2016

Getting a cart out of a rut is hard. The sides are steep and it's hard to gain purchase. Just a slight turn to either side is ineffective. The wheels won’t catch; they just hit the sides & bounce

Hiding Text with OneNote

Posted in OneNote on September 20, 2016

An entire section of text hidden using the collapse feature. Note the small arrow/handle at the top left. Also note the little [+] which can be used to reveal the hidden text. An often

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